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What's Happening?

     Friday the gates will open at 2pm. Visit registration then set up your camp. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm. The Great Hall and other communal spaces will be available for general carousing. Master Moonshine shall host and judge the Brewer's Moot.


     Breakfast will be served at 10:00 am. Saturday will be filled with a fine Autumn frolic. The forest is ripe with magical treasures and trinkets swept up by the winds of fate and deposited here like so much flotsam. But there is tell of even richer booty, squirreled away in this mysterious place by savvy Captains; never reclaimed before an untimely demise. It's every man for himself, and what you finds you keeps... or play with your mates and divvy up the plunder!


     Saturday night starting at 6:00 pm we will feast as if tomorrow were never comin'. For weird reasons of their own, to do with “courts” and “seasons” or such rubbish, it is the custom of the faefolk to name the year's “Storymaster” at this time. If you want to compete, ye'll have 5 to 10 minutes to impress the crowd. Spaces are limited, so be sure to mark it down on your registration form if you want a slot. First come, first serve!



     Oh, and I'm told the fae are sending an ambassador to judge and make sure the rules are followed, and to generally be a nob. I'd complain, but there's a fine pair of... legs... on that one... And loot! Did I mention loot? Anyway, that's when the tallying up and handing out of prizes will be; singin' of songs and diverse entertainments, etcetera.
     What are ye all still standing around with your gobs hanging open for? Go roust your good-for-nothing crew and set your sails. The Ways wait for no man, they say. Go on, get!
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